New contributor guidelines

When you log-in you’ll be presented with a dashboard.  It’s pretty useless but from here you can start a new post or a recipe.  You can also fill out your author profile.

1st Click on Posts and you can add a new post.  You have to give a title (and the permalink below the title will be created for you – this is where the blog post will eventually be stored).  Then enter the text of the blog post.  You can add images using the Add Media button.  You should also set the Featured image (down the right side column) – this is the image that will be used in tweets and Facebook posts about the blog post.

You can always hit Save Draft to save your work and come back to it later – it will be stored as a draft.  You can also hit the Preview button to see what the post will look like once it has been deployed.

Finally when you are finished, or just want others to review the post before publishing – press the submit for review button.

Now an editor (Richard or Carl) will review the post and publish it.  This will cause the post to go live  on the blog, and a tweet to be set out via @2ketodudes twitter handle, and a post to be pushed to the FaceBook forum.

Recipes are a special form of post that has fields for storing quantities and ingredients and steps.