Carl’s Flavor Bomb Lamb Merguez Sausage

Carl’s Flavor Bomb Lamb Merguez Sausage

If you love lamb and all those pungent spices of North Africa (coriander, cumin, fennel, cilantro) and you like a...

Albóndigas en Salsa: Carl’s Keto Tapas Meatballs

Albóndigas en Salsa: Carl’s Keto Tapas Meatballs

This is a traditional tapas meatball with a little twist. Absolutely delicious. Print Recipe Albóndigas en Salsa: Carl's Keto Tapas...

Carl’s Baked Chicken Wings

Carl’s Baked Chicken Wings

I am usually one to deep-fry chicken wings. I had heard good things about baked wings, and gave it a...

Carl’s Carnitas

This is a great low-carb recipe for Carnitas, literally “little meats,” which consists of pork butt cooked in lard with...

Sous Vide Chuck Roast on the Cheap

Sous Vide is a cooking technique by which you vaccuum-seal food in a plastic bag and drop it into a...

Herbaceous Turkey Thighs with Homestyle Gravy

I was never really a white-meat turkey eater, always opting for thighs, legs, and wings at Thanksgiving.  For several years,...