Kimchi Soup

This recipe is a quick meal to settle the stomach after a fast.  It contains some fermented food – KimChi...

Low-Carb Thanksgiving Sausage Stuffing (dressing)

Low-Carb Thanksgiving Sausage Stuffing (dressing)

Thanksgiving is a tough holiday for people who are watching their weight, right? Well, not me. This is the first...

Beef Bacon

Everyone loves bacon, except those who can’t enjoy it for religious reasons … but I’ve learned something recently that not all...

Hollandaise Sauce

This is another classic French butter sauce, you can see it drizzled here over an Eggs benedict.  You may have...

Ramekin Muffin

Ramekin muffin

This was a recipe that showed up once on our FB group and has become a favourite. The recipe originally came...

Garlic and Mushroom Brie Spread

I love Brie cheese. I always have. I love it even more now that I’m eating a LCHF (low-carb, high-fat) diet....

Yakiniku Pork Belly soup

Yakiniku pork belly soup

Sometimes I don’t know what I’m going to cook for dinner so I go shopping for inspiration .. and then if...

Meringue pucks

This recipe came about in response to Kim’s recipe for Lemon Curd which left me with 4 egg whites. So I made...

pork rind pancakes

Pork Rind Pancakes

You won’t believe how close the texture is to traditional pancakes. And you cannot taste the pork rind flavor at...

lemon curd

Lemon Curd

What do you do when Life gives you a giant Lemon tree? Make Ketogenic Lemon Curd of course.